The fifth installment in the Indiana Jones film series is an American action-adventure movie that was directed by James Mangold and features a plot that was written by both Mangold and Jez Butterworth. Harrison Ford is back in his iconic role as the fictional archaeologist Indiana Jones, which was originated by George Lucas. The movie is a sequel to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which was released in 2008, and it features a lot of exciting action. Harrison Ford is seen here dressed in the aforementioned attire, and he looks particularly dashing in this Indiana Jones 5 Harrison Ford Brown Jacket.
The exquisitely crafted Indiana Jones Harrison Ford Brown Leather Jacket is made of a cotton fabric of the highest quality, and on the inside, it has an additional layer made of a viscose fabric that will last for a long time and will keep you warm. The fact that this jacket has a collar in the style of a shirt and a front open with a zippered fastening contributes to the uniqueness of your overall look. In addition, we have full sleeves that are secured with open hem cuffs at the end of each sleeve. Last but not least, the garment is available in a warm brown color and features two waist pockets on either side.